Monday, May 25, 2009

Sick Baby

I went back to work last Friday for a couple hours so Jet started day care on Thursday. He did pretty good and of course I cried when I dropped him off. Joey doesn't start work till 8am so he will be the one to drop Jet off in the morning. This makes it easy for me since I don't have to do the good bye, I'm known as the hero to pick him up lol. Unfortunately, Jet started getting a fever yesterday. He was pretty fussy but would be ok after we gave him Tylenol. This morning we made a decision to take him to Mendy's Place at John C Lincon because he didnt want to eat and was whimpering like he was in pain. My poor baby had to get a cathater and have xrays taken. Come to find out he has an Upper Respratory Infection. Since it is viral they didnt do anything for him. We just have to keep giving him Tylenol and bring him back in if hes not better after 4 days. The Dr. said he most likely caught it from day care. This is the sucky part of having to return to work and expose him to all these germs. Jet seems to be a bit better as of right now so hopefully he stays that way becuase there is nothing worse than seeing your baby sick and in pain!

Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Jet and some tummy time

Here's Jet, doing some tummy time, cooing and drooling. His bag of tricks is still a bit empty...but we think he's going to perfect time travel by the year 2034...

Saturday, May 9, 2009

Hip Hip Hooray...

Jet slept from 10pm to 6am last night with no interruptions. Joey and I were very excited about the extra sleep.

The test is if he will do it again tonight or if that was just a tease. He went to sleep again at 10pm tonight, so we'll see! This is his way of saying "Happy Mothers Day, Mommy" awwww

Monday, May 4, 2009

8 week check up

Jet had his 8 week check up today and got 4 shots. Hes been pretty much sleeping for the past 3 hours. Jet weighed in at a whopping 14lbs and 11oz and falls in the 95% tile for weight!!! The Dr made a comment, wow hes not skipping any meals! HAHAHA, he is now 25 inches long and falls in the 97% tile for length. We have one healthy baby and are very blessed by it.

I get to wake up to this happy face every morning....

I am going to take Jet to get his 3 month pictures done in a few weeks and cant wait to compare them to his new born ones! Its soooo fun to watch this little man grow!

This is what daddy does when its his time...

Joey and I are doing great we love being parents and are excited for the years to come. We make sure to take time for ourselves, even if that's asking grandma to babysit. New updates soon to come...