Tuesday, July 7, 2009

I'm 4 months old or my very first vacation!

Hey everyone,

Sorry that Joey and I have been slacking on Jet’s website lately, we have been super busy. I’ll start off by sharing that Jet went on his first vacation for the 4th of July to La Jolla, CA. He experienced Disney Land and was in awe with all the lights and bright colors on some of the rides like, it’s a Small World and Astro Blasters. I was pretty nervous about the 6 hour drive both way’s but he did awesome and slept most of the time. Unfortunately, we didn’t make it to the beach because we made a bad call to go on the actual holiday and it took us 2 hours just to get out of the traffic jam on the main beach street. That’s ok because we stayed at the Estancia La Jolla and the resort itself was beautiful to just hang there. All in all, it was a fun short get away but we learned our lesson and won’t ever go on a popular holiday weekend ever again!!

Jet is now just about 5 months old and has 2 bottom teeth. Hearing his laugh is such a joy for Joey and I. Still no rolling over but he’s just about sitting up all on his own. He discovered is feet and can’t get enough of them. His toes are so fascinating to him and are the first thing he goes for as soon as he wakes up in the morning. Jet is now eating rice cereal with applesauce, sweet potatoes or carrots. We discovered that he HATES pea’s and gags himself. It made me laugh because it reminded me of myself and how I gag when I smell or taste something I don’t like. Everyone is now saying that he looks like me, as before he looked like daddy. He’s such a mama’s boy!!!