Tuesday, October 6, 2009

6 months | A Father's reflection

They say that looking back on a period of time, it feels as if it was only a fraction of that time, a fleeting moment in your memory.  Six months have passed since our son Jet came into this world, and he has his whole life in front of him, but when I reflect on his life so far, there are already so many memories.  It's impossible to express in words how much we love Jet, and how he enriches our lives.

Within the first week of life, Jet already had his pictures taken professionally.

By 4 months of life, he had his first teeth coming in, well ahead of schedule and enjoyed his first family vacation to Disneyland.

At just over 5 months, Jet was rushed to the hospital after hitting his head on the stairs, needless to say, someone still needs to fill me in on the ending of District 9!

At 6 months - Jet is sitting up by himself, mostly unaided, and is very talkative.

Now as his 6th month is coming to a close, I know that there will be a great deal more memories, and it seems as he's changing quicker as the days go by.  We all are looking forward to Halloween, Thanksgiving and Christmas, and we'll be sure to post more updates as the times go by.