Thursday, February 26, 2009

More pics coming!

Hello All,

While you're looking at the page, and staying up-to-date on the pregnancy, feel free to take a look at the pictures to your right. Right now there aren't many pictures, but more will be uploaded very soon. We hope to keep adding a tonof new pictures all the time so that those who cannot be hear during this time can see the progress he's making!

Stay Tuned! And tell your friends about this site!

39 Week Update...

So I just got home from the Dr. who said I have a severe sinus infection. She wrote me a 5 day prescription and wants me to be fully cleared up before I get induced :( This means that the inducement is now scheduled for Tuesday at 7am.
I am now dilated to a 4 so the chances that Jet can come before Tuesday are pretty high. I am not getting my hopes up becuause why should he come now when hes so nice and cozy inside mommy. The good thing about being a 4 already is that I'm just about half way there without the strong contractions. Yes, I am still contracting but not as bad as active labor is. With this sinus infection, every part of my body hurts and I cant keep anything down. Thank you Joey, for putting up with all my complaining - Love You! Thanks to my friends and family who are always checking up on me to make sure I'm doing ok.
I started my 12 week FMLA today so I am going to be chilling at home trying to get better. This lil man has caused me so many problems already and hes not even here. I am still so in love with him and cant believe he will be here in 5 days or less. This is a dream come true that Joey and I can not wait to experience!!!

Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Thank You - Thank You - Thank You

So this is my first post and I'd like to start out by saying "Thank You". This is my personal thank you to all of our wonderful friends and family who have showered us with so many cute, loving gifts for our new lil one.
We have been blessed to have such great people in our lives and cant wait for all of you to meet baby Jet once he decides to enter to the world.
I'd like to say, though I'm not here yet
thank you for the gifts I'll get
And thank you from my parents, too
for all the gifts in the color blue
My closet was empty, my belongings were few
but that's all changed now, thanks to you!

Is this the longest week ever?

It would seem that Jet is taking his sweet time with coming out! Making mommy quite uncomfortable in the process, but I suppose that's just part of the game. Monday, March 2nd can't come any quicker!

Is it just me, or is this one of the longest weeks ever? And it's only Wednesday...

Tuesday, February 24, 2009

...And we're Live

This is the first of many posts. We've begun this site so that all of our family and friends will be able to stay up to date with our family, and most importantly, our newest addition, Jet. We are looking forward to welcoming him into this world at any time.

Amber and I never have been so excited about anything in our lives! Just waiting for him to come out. We just can't wait for him to come out! The Stork Delivery Service is just WAY too slow...