Thursday, March 5, 2009

Welcome Jetster

Hold on tight, baby Jetster is jetting his way on home to live an amazing life...

Were home, finally after 52 hours of labor, delivery and postpartum at Paradise Valley Hospital for the delivery of our first lil' munchkin baby Jet! Here is how our experience went...

7am Tuesday March 3rd - As we arrive at the hospital for Jet's inducement we were hoping for a fast and painless labor and delivery. That is exactly what we got!!! I was started on pitocine to regulate and increase the contractions that I already had been having for the past 8 weeks. Joey and I got to share some quiet time together before my 3 additional coaches showed Mom, Samantha and Dana. Once everyone arrived we played the waiting game since the Dr was called off to 2 emergency c-sections just when she was suppose to come break my water. The nurse checked me and I was now dilated to a 5, up from the 4 that I was at for the past week. I was in no pain at all so we all just chatted and tried to cure my hunger pains with "sips & chips". I bet that nurse was so annoyed with me because every time she came in, I asked for something to drink lol. The answer was no each time.

I decided to wait to get my epidural until the dr could break my water because why have meds when there is no pain??? Finally, around 12pm the anisitligiosit showed up for my epi which I was very nervous to get with all the horror stories I had heard. Everything went good until he said, "I missed the spot so now I have to re-insert the needle again". UGH, I was annoyed I could have reached around and shoved the needle in his eye LOL. So here goes the second attempt with the sensation of a needle going between my vertebrae and feeling the tip scratch the bone. Not painful but VERY uncomfortable.

OK, so once that was done, Dr Harris showed up to break my water at 1pm. Smooth sailing, still with no pain at all. Around 4pm the nurse checked me and I was dilated to a 10 and +0 effaced. Jet was right there so i pushed 2 times when she told me to stop and wait for the Dr. Within 5 minutes Dr Harris showed up, I pushed 4 times with her and then popped out our lil man. Still NO pain!!!! I had great coaches who made my pushing easy!

WOW, is all I could think once I had this little tiny baby sitting on top of my belly. I never thought this dream would come true, it felt so surreal. His bright blue eyes looked at me and he gave a whine. How perfect could this go for us. Little Jet arrived at 4:58pm, weighing 8lbs and 7oz and measuring 21 inches long. He is perfectly healthy and we couldn't ask god to bless us with anything more.

Jet had a bunch of visitors over the past 48 hours and cant wait to meet the rest of his friends and family! Enjoy the pictures :)

-Proud Poppa & Momma of Baby Jetster

-Proud cousins, Isabel & Esperanza-

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