Sunday, March 29, 2009

Now YOU can follow Jet on twitter

As if having your very own website before even being born wasn't enough - now Jet's starting to twitter! Be sure to "follow" him, so you can get your daily dose of how many times he burped, when he had a BM, or just to check in and say hello!

***All posts are genuinely from Jet, he's so technologically advanced!

There's very little else that's needed to be said here; you know what Twitter is, and he's doing it, so you should follow. Easy as 1...2...3

Tuesday, March 24, 2009

So what is up with Dad?

You may be wondering, "What is up with Dad?" well, I'm here to give you the 3-week update on what's been going on. A week after Jet's birth, I (unfortunately) had to return to work (winning the lottery is #1 on my list now!) and I've been balancing working a full week, and coming home to help Amber with the baby. Now, don't feel sorry for me, I wouldn't have it any other way, but I'd be lying to you if I told you it was easy.

In a word, it's TIRING -

But I think I'm beyond being tired, I'm sort of on cruise-control, but I have my body to remind me each night of the lack of sleep I'm getting...each night, by the time I have a chance to unwind, my exhaustion starts to kick in, so I work to make sure the night's feedings are prepped, and lend a hand for anything else I can assist with before we all head upstairs and give Jet his "dinner" and off to sleep I go...for about 3 hours (if I'm lucky).

Though I'm lucky enough that Amber doesn't work, she takes care of most of the night feedings, I still wake with her, even for just a few minutes, and overworked and under slept, I usually quickly fall back asleep. The funny thing is, I will almost always wake up at the end of his feeding, and in my mind/memory, it's only been 30-seconds, but here she is, 20 minutes later and changing a poop-package direct from Jet's delivery service.

So yes, I'm tired. My co-workers have noticed my singing, and other random crazy antics. Like Eddie Murphy before me, I'm delirious. Now...about the time...

Sunday, March 22, 2009

Anther weekend gone by...

~ Rori and Jet

~Kara and Jet

Well, another weekend has come and pretty much gone already. Yesterday Jet met his cousins Kara and Rori. They were very cute with him. Jet cant wait till ge gets a bit older so he can play with all his friends!
Awe, the Lakes spending quality time together! :)

Thursday, March 19, 2009

This morning Jets belly button fell off. Yay, finally we can give him a normal bath where he can sit in the water. Saturday Jet gets to meet Kara and Rori and he cant wait, hes been waiting too long already!

His shirt says it all "Mr. Mouthy" LOL

Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Happy St. Pattys Day

Jet wants to wish everyone a Happy St. Pattys Day. Dont drink too much green beer!! Today is Jets 2 week birthday, holy cow where has the time gone. He is growing so fast and already his newborn clothes are getting pretty snug. Today I put him in O-3 months, hes swimming in it but still looks darn cute!!! :)

I lub my swing!!!

Saturday, March 14, 2009

My life as a Mommy...

My mom always said..."you wont understand until you have babies of your own." She is absolutley right. I would do anything for my little baby. Everyone keeps asking me, how does it feel to be a mommy? Wow, words cant explain how good it feels to just sit there and stare at Jet knowing that hes mine and that Joey and I made him. After seeing Jet in pain from his circumcision, I would just cry, and I couldn't even help it-the tears would just flow. Sometimes I think Joey thought I was nuts. He would ask me, do you think your having postpartum depression. I just laughed and said absolutley not. I now realize that if you haven't been through it, then you cant judge. I dont know how there is such thing as depression when having such pride and joy from such a little innocent baby, but who am I to judge.
My life is wonderful and I feel like this little man has changed me so much for the best over the past 10 days that he has been here.
I am so busy right now, it feels like I never have any time. A typical day for me is...
Wake up at 7am, wash bottles and prepare them for the day while Jet snoozes. Let him enjoy his bouncer in the warm bathroom while I shower. If hes fussy, the noise of the running water puts him to sleep. I take about an hour for myself to get ready for the day. Then we head down stairs and feed my hungry man, who then gets a bath and all buttered up (as grandma would say). By this time its around 11ish and I look at the clock wondered where the hell time went. I try to fit in a bite to eat for myself if Jet allows me to. Most of the time hes napping by now. While napping, I catch up on laundry, which is NEVER ending!!! Picking up the house to keep things in line is also on the agenda. Jet is usually up by now ready to eat again. After his belly is full, we run any errands if needed. By they time we get home, its time to start dinner. Dinner is usually ready by the time daddy gets home around 5:45pm. After dinner, Joey and I try to spend some family time together on the couch with Jet. Before we know it, its 10pm which i then start preparing night time bottles while Joey heads to bed. I follow him about an hour later if not at the same time. Jet eats, then sleeps for up to 3 hours after every feeding and diaper changing through out the night. The past 2 nights I have jumped up to look at the clock wondering why he hasn't woke yet. It had been 5 hours!!! I usually wake him up to feed him if he hasn't woke up after these 5 hours just becuase I want him on a strict schedule, and I know the day time wont allow him to last 5 hours in between feeding. So there you go, a typical day in the Lake house but not for long. Who knows how life is going to be when I have to go back to work :( I don't even want to think about that right now. I will keep you updated once that all happens.
Have a good weekend, I know we will!!!

Wednesday, March 11, 2009

On Monday we went to get Jet's first pictures done. He was soooo good and just slept through the whole session. Today is the big day of his circumcision. Pray for us that everything goes well and for a fast healing process!!!

Tuesday, March 10, 2009

We LOVE comments!

Okay all you out there in internet-lands! Prove to us that you're real! We've been live for about two weeks now and we've been getting a number of visitors, but "who" is visiting the site?

While we don't have a "guestbook" or anything of that sort, there is the ability to leave comments on the posts. By doing so, we'll have an idea of who's coming to spy on our little one. Don't worry, we love spies...

Everything's going great! We hope you all are enjoying the updates! If you like what you see, tip your DHCP servers (a little internet humor).

Saturday, March 7, 2009

Day 5..

So today is day 5 of Jet's life. He has changed so much already. His facial expressions make me smile. He is such a good baby, Joey and I are really lucky. Grandma came over this morning to help a bit around the house. She gave him his first bath, which again was perfect. He didn't cry at all, just sat there and enjoyed the soothing warm water.

Yesterday we went to the Dr and his weight is now 8lbs 5oz, so he only lost 2oz which is awesome. Dr said he is doing great and everything looks good. Wednesday is his next apt where they will circumcise him. I am not looking forward to this at all. I just have to be strong and know that he will be fine.

Well, he is starting to fuss since its about dinner time so I better make a bottle. More updates to come :)

PS, if you actually click on his picture from the previous post, you should be able to view more pics. Joey is in the process of finding a better way to display them.

Friday, March 6, 2009

Newest Photo Album

Hey all,

While I'm working out the slideshow issue, I've decided to load an album for you to view for now.

Keep checking back often, to see the latest!

Where did the pictures go?

Hello All,

I know you are all dying to see more pics, and trust me there are alot more. If you noticed, in the right column, there was a slide show that cycles through all the pics, and any new we add. I was having some issues with the upload, but they should all be there now.

Keep in mind the images to your right are just thumbnail versions, and quite small. Click on the image and you'll open up another browser to view them in a much larger size and of higher quality.

I hope you enjoy!

Thursday, March 5, 2009

Welcome Jetster

Hold on tight, baby Jetster is jetting his way on home to live an amazing life...

Were home, finally after 52 hours of labor, delivery and postpartum at Paradise Valley Hospital for the delivery of our first lil' munchkin baby Jet! Here is how our experience went...

7am Tuesday March 3rd - As we arrive at the hospital for Jet's inducement we were hoping for a fast and painless labor and delivery. That is exactly what we got!!! I was started on pitocine to regulate and increase the contractions that I already had been having for the past 8 weeks. Joey and I got to share some quiet time together before my 3 additional coaches showed Mom, Samantha and Dana. Once everyone arrived we played the waiting game since the Dr was called off to 2 emergency c-sections just when she was suppose to come break my water. The nurse checked me and I was now dilated to a 5, up from the 4 that I was at for the past week. I was in no pain at all so we all just chatted and tried to cure my hunger pains with "sips & chips". I bet that nurse was so annoyed with me because every time she came in, I asked for something to drink lol. The answer was no each time.

I decided to wait to get my epidural until the dr could break my water because why have meds when there is no pain??? Finally, around 12pm the anisitligiosit showed up for my epi which I was very nervous to get with all the horror stories I had heard. Everything went good until he said, "I missed the spot so now I have to re-insert the needle again". UGH, I was annoyed I could have reached around and shoved the needle in his eye LOL. So here goes the second attempt with the sensation of a needle going between my vertebrae and feeling the tip scratch the bone. Not painful but VERY uncomfortable.

OK, so once that was done, Dr Harris showed up to break my water at 1pm. Smooth sailing, still with no pain at all. Around 4pm the nurse checked me and I was dilated to a 10 and +0 effaced. Jet was right there so i pushed 2 times when she told me to stop and wait for the Dr. Within 5 minutes Dr Harris showed up, I pushed 4 times with her and then popped out our lil man. Still NO pain!!!! I had great coaches who made my pushing easy!

WOW, is all I could think once I had this little tiny baby sitting on top of my belly. I never thought this dream would come true, it felt so surreal. His bright blue eyes looked at me and he gave a whine. How perfect could this go for us. Little Jet arrived at 4:58pm, weighing 8lbs and 7oz and measuring 21 inches long. He is perfectly healthy and we couldn't ask god to bless us with anything more.

Jet had a bunch of visitors over the past 48 hours and cant wait to meet the rest of his friends and family! Enjoy the pictures :)

-Proud Poppa & Momma of Baby Jetster

-Proud cousins, Isabel & Esperanza-

Monday, March 2, 2009

The final countdown...

So this is the last night before Jet comes. Tomorrow's planned inducement will begin at 0700. How long will the delivery last? We don't know, but we're hoping for a quick labor, especially Amber! It's been a long and arduous road, but we're both ready. The last few weeks have gone by so slow it seems, it felt like he was never going to come, almost didn't feel real. But in (hopeully) less than 24 hours, our first born Jet will arrive. The world awaits, and we can't wait to meet him, and then show him off!

I will continue to update the site tomorrow as events unfold, look forward to it...We certainly are.

Joey and Amber