Saturday, March 7, 2009

Day 5..

So today is day 5 of Jet's life. He has changed so much already. His facial expressions make me smile. He is such a good baby, Joey and I are really lucky. Grandma came over this morning to help a bit around the house. She gave him his first bath, which again was perfect. He didn't cry at all, just sat there and enjoyed the soothing warm water.

Yesterday we went to the Dr and his weight is now 8lbs 5oz, so he only lost 2oz which is awesome. Dr said he is doing great and everything looks good. Wednesday is his next apt where they will circumcise him. I am not looking forward to this at all. I just have to be strong and know that he will be fine.

Well, he is starting to fuss since its about dinner time so I better make a bottle. More updates to come :)

PS, if you actually click on his picture from the previous post, you should be able to view more pics. Joey is in the process of finding a better way to display them.

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