Tuesday, March 24, 2009

So what is up with Dad?

You may be wondering, "What is up with Dad?" well, I'm here to give you the 3-week update on what's been going on. A week after Jet's birth, I (unfortunately) had to return to work (winning the lottery is #1 on my list now!) and I've been balancing working a full week, and coming home to help Amber with the baby. Now, don't feel sorry for me, I wouldn't have it any other way, but I'd be lying to you if I told you it was easy.

In a word, it's TIRING -

But I think I'm beyond being tired, I'm sort of on cruise-control, but I have my body to remind me each night of the lack of sleep I'm getting...each night, by the time I have a chance to unwind, my exhaustion starts to kick in, so I work to make sure the night's feedings are prepped, and lend a hand for anything else I can assist with before we all head upstairs and give Jet his "dinner" and off to sleep I go...for about 3 hours (if I'm lucky).

Though I'm lucky enough that Amber doesn't work, she takes care of most of the night feedings, I still wake with her, even for just a few minutes, and overworked and under slept, I usually quickly fall back asleep. The funny thing is, I will almost always wake up at the end of his feeding, and in my mind/memory, it's only been 30-seconds, but here she is, 20 minutes later and changing a poop-package direct from Jet's delivery service.

So yes, I'm tired. My co-workers have noticed my singing, and other random crazy antics. Like Eddie Murphy before me, I'm delirious. Now...about the time...

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