Sunday, April 26, 2009

Jet needs your HELP...

I just entered a picture of Jet into this online baby photo contest. Use the link below to vote for my photo! Forward to your friends and family so Jet can win lots of votes....Thanks!

Click Here

Tuesday, April 14, 2009

6 Weeks old

Jet is 6 weeks old today. Everyone says he looks like a 3 month old and cant believe hes only 6 weeks. Joey and I have a big boy, but the most cutest boy in the world. I really miss him being a little tiny baby, well I guess he was never tiny being born at 8lbs 7oz.

My bond with him is amazing and he is developing a personality that melts my heart. He recognizes my voice and kicks is legs so fast when he hears me. Oh, and daddy's voice too. We get him to smile by talking, singing, dancing and just being plain out goofy up in his face.

Jet absolutley loves his cousin Esperanza, she is like a little mommy to him and adores him so much. He gets excited when he sees her and hears her voice as well.

Jet is sleeping in his crib at nap time to get use to it. As soon as I go back to work he will be out of the bassinet and in his big boy bed. His neck is getting strong and he enjoys tummy time. This little boy is our pride and joy :)

Sunday, April 12, 2009

Happy Easter

Today is Easter Sunday and we did the usual - went to my moms for a huge meal, colored eggs, opened baskets and then played at the park. Everyone is tired after the turkey dinner and now its nap time :) Here are some of our pictures...

Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Saturday, April 4, 2009

Yesterday we went to the Dr as Joey stated below and Jet now weighs 11lbs 5oz. HOLY COW!!! The Dr said I was doing something right. HAHAHA. He got his 2nd HepB shot so hes been pretty cranky. He whined all night last night so its been a long day for us with it being Esperanza's birthday party. Jet was spoiled and got plenty of attention and it made him happy to see everyone. I don't think he was put down once which was nice so I could help out with other things. Here are some pictures of our fun day...

Friday, April 3, 2009

Jet's 1-month old today!

I can't believe it's been one month already!?! Jet has grown so much, and he's getting so big. He goes in with Mommy today for his 1-month checkup, so I'm sure she'll update on any news that comes from there.

I just wanted to say thanks to all the visitors, the friends and family that have come to help us take care of Jet over the past month. To all of Amber's friends who've been able to keep her company and help her from time to time, while I work. Thanks!

Next week, he's coming to my work with me (Bring your newborn baby to work day, ha ha), to meet some of my coworkers. They've been itching to meet him!

He looks great, smiles every now and again, and we can't wait for the adventure that is down the road. Until next time...

Thursday, April 2, 2009

New pics...

Once again our weekend is pretty busy...

Jet gets to meet Grandma Katz and Pops Ray tomorrow night. Saturday is Esperanza's Birthday party which we are very excited for. And Sunday, well I hope we can just relax. Joey took Monday off so we can go tour some day cares and decide where Jet will be going once I go back to work May 21st. :( Sadness!!!

Here are some random pictures I've snapped of Jet with my phone over the past couple days. He goes for his 1 month check up tomorrow. I am so curious to see how much he weighs. He is getting so big and keeps me in shape carrying him up and down the stairs.

Hanging out in my crib...

Another day at the house...

Mommy bought me my own Lazy Boy...

She loves me soooo much!...

I love watching things move, the fan and my gym are my favorites...