Tuesday, October 6, 2009

6 months | A Father's reflection

They say that looking back on a period of time, it feels as if it was only a fraction of that time, a fleeting moment in your memory.  Six months have passed since our son Jet came into this world, and he has his whole life in front of him, but when I reflect on his life so far, there are already so many memories.  It's impossible to express in words how much we love Jet, and how he enriches our lives.

Within the first week of life, Jet already had his pictures taken professionally.

By 4 months of life, he had his first teeth coming in, well ahead of schedule and enjoyed his first family vacation to Disneyland.

At just over 5 months, Jet was rushed to the hospital after hitting his head on the stairs, needless to say, someone still needs to fill me in on the ending of District 9!

At 6 months - Jet is sitting up by himself, mostly unaided, and is very talkative.

Now as his 6th month is coming to a close, I know that there will be a great deal more memories, and it seems as he's changing quicker as the days go by.  We all are looking forward to Halloween, Thanksgiving and Christmas, and we'll be sure to post more updates as the times go by.

Tuesday, July 7, 2009

I'm 4 months old or my very first vacation!

Hey everyone,

Sorry that Joey and I have been slacking on Jet’s website lately, we have been super busy. I’ll start off by sharing that Jet went on his first vacation for the 4th of July to La Jolla, CA. He experienced Disney Land and was in awe with all the lights and bright colors on some of the rides like, it’s a Small World and Astro Blasters. I was pretty nervous about the 6 hour drive both way’s but he did awesome and slept most of the time. Unfortunately, we didn’t make it to the beach because we made a bad call to go on the actual holiday and it took us 2 hours just to get out of the traffic jam on the main beach street. That’s ok because we stayed at the Estancia La Jolla and the resort itself was beautiful to just hang there. All in all, it was a fun short get away but we learned our lesson and won’t ever go on a popular holiday weekend ever again!!

Jet is now just about 5 months old and has 2 bottom teeth. Hearing his laugh is such a joy for Joey and I. Still no rolling over but he’s just about sitting up all on his own. He discovered is feet and can’t get enough of them. His toes are so fascinating to him and are the first thing he goes for as soon as he wakes up in the morning. Jet is now eating rice cereal with applesauce, sweet potatoes or carrots. We discovered that he HATES pea’s and gags himself. It made me laugh because it reminded me of myself and how I gag when I smell or taste something I don’t like. Everyone is now saying that he looks like me, as before he looked like daddy. He’s such a mama’s boy!!!

Wednesday, June 10, 2009

I'm 3 months old!

Now that I am 3 months old, I have learned so much about my mommy and daddy and all of those around me who love me to death. I recognize mommy and daddy and I like to show it by smiling and making eye contact when they talk to me. I kick my feet so fast and move my arms like no other. Mommy tells me that I’ll be joining her in kick boxing with how well I can punch the air. I have discovered my hands and I can’t seem to keep them out of my mouth, they taste so delicious! My drool is uncontrollable and it just oozes out all over. Bath time is my favorite and I love to bond with mommy during that time, she plays music and our conversations are hysterical. I like going to school (daycare) and playing with my friends even though all the stupid germs are making me sicky. Soon my immune system will be so built up that hopefully I will be able to handle being around all the other snot noses. Another one of my favorites is SLEEP, I love to sleep. Grandma says I take after mommy because she loved sleep when she was a baby too. I go to bed at 8:30pm and don’t wake up till 6am which then daddy will come get me and feed me my yummy milky. I am now eating 5 oz every 3 hours and doctor says I can start on solids when I am 4 months. I like to sleep in on the weekends till 8:30am after my 6am bottle and this is my time to snuggle with daddy, he makes me feel so comfortable. I am not too fond of tummy time but I am just about to roll over. I am so calm and I only cry when I’m hungry - My life is amazing and I love my family. So there you go, my little life as a 3 month old. Aren’t I the cutest?

Check out my latest pics!

Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Jet's 3 Month Birthday Pictures

As we all know, Jet had his 3 month birthday on 6/3. We went to get his pictures taken and he was such a little ham. He laughed and smiled at the lady the whole time. Such a cutie...

Monday, May 25, 2009

Sick Baby

I went back to work last Friday for a couple hours so Jet started day care on Thursday. He did pretty good and of course I cried when I dropped him off. Joey doesn't start work till 8am so he will be the one to drop Jet off in the morning. This makes it easy for me since I don't have to do the good bye, I'm known as the hero to pick him up lol. Unfortunately, Jet started getting a fever yesterday. He was pretty fussy but would be ok after we gave him Tylenol. This morning we made a decision to take him to Mendy's Place at John C Lincon because he didnt want to eat and was whimpering like he was in pain. My poor baby had to get a cathater and have xrays taken. Come to find out he has an Upper Respratory Infection. Since it is viral they didnt do anything for him. We just have to keep giving him Tylenol and bring him back in if hes not better after 4 days. The Dr. said he most likely caught it from day care. This is the sucky part of having to return to work and expose him to all these germs. Jet seems to be a bit better as of right now so hopefully he stays that way becuase there is nothing worse than seeing your baby sick and in pain!

Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Jet and some tummy time

Here's Jet, doing some tummy time, cooing and drooling. His bag of tricks is still a bit empty...but we think he's going to perfect time travel by the year 2034...

Saturday, May 9, 2009

Hip Hip Hooray...

Jet slept from 10pm to 6am last night with no interruptions. Joey and I were very excited about the extra sleep.

The test is if he will do it again tonight or if that was just a tease. He went to sleep again at 10pm tonight, so we'll see! This is his way of saying "Happy Mothers Day, Mommy" awwww

Monday, May 4, 2009

8 week check up

Jet had his 8 week check up today and got 4 shots. Hes been pretty much sleeping for the past 3 hours. Jet weighed in at a whopping 14lbs and 11oz and falls in the 95% tile for weight!!! The Dr made a comment, wow hes not skipping any meals! HAHAHA, he is now 25 inches long and falls in the 97% tile for length. We have one healthy baby and are very blessed by it.

I get to wake up to this happy face every morning....

I am going to take Jet to get his 3 month pictures done in a few weeks and cant wait to compare them to his new born ones! Its soooo fun to watch this little man grow!

This is what daddy does when its his time...

Joey and I are doing great we love being parents and are excited for the years to come. We make sure to take time for ourselves, even if that's asking grandma to babysit. New updates soon to come...

Sunday, April 26, 2009

Jet needs your HELP...

I just entered a picture of Jet into this online baby photo contest. Use the link below to vote for my photo! Forward to your friends and family so Jet can win lots of votes....Thanks!

Click Here

Tuesday, April 14, 2009

6 Weeks old

Jet is 6 weeks old today. Everyone says he looks like a 3 month old and cant believe hes only 6 weeks. Joey and I have a big boy, but the most cutest boy in the world. I really miss him being a little tiny baby, well I guess he was never tiny being born at 8lbs 7oz.

My bond with him is amazing and he is developing a personality that melts my heart. He recognizes my voice and kicks is legs so fast when he hears me. Oh, and daddy's voice too. We get him to smile by talking, singing, dancing and just being plain out goofy up in his face.

Jet absolutley loves his cousin Esperanza, she is like a little mommy to him and adores him so much. He gets excited when he sees her and hears her voice as well.

Jet is sleeping in his crib at nap time to get use to it. As soon as I go back to work he will be out of the bassinet and in his big boy bed. His neck is getting strong and he enjoys tummy time. This little boy is our pride and joy :)

Sunday, April 12, 2009

Happy Easter

Today is Easter Sunday and we did the usual - went to my moms for a huge meal, colored eggs, opened baskets and then played at the park. Everyone is tired after the turkey dinner and now its nap time :) Here are some of our pictures...

Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Saturday, April 4, 2009

Yesterday we went to the Dr as Joey stated below and Jet now weighs 11lbs 5oz. HOLY COW!!! The Dr said I was doing something right. HAHAHA. He got his 2nd HepB shot so hes been pretty cranky. He whined all night last night so its been a long day for us with it being Esperanza's birthday party. Jet was spoiled and got plenty of attention and it made him happy to see everyone. I don't think he was put down once which was nice so I could help out with other things. Here are some pictures of our fun day...

Friday, April 3, 2009

Jet's 1-month old today!

I can't believe it's been one month already!?! Jet has grown so much, and he's getting so big. He goes in with Mommy today for his 1-month checkup, so I'm sure she'll update on any news that comes from there.

I just wanted to say thanks to all the visitors, the friends and family that have come to help us take care of Jet over the past month. To all of Amber's friends who've been able to keep her company and help her from time to time, while I work. Thanks!

Next week, he's coming to my work with me (Bring your newborn baby to work day, ha ha), to meet some of my coworkers. They've been itching to meet him!

He looks great, smiles every now and again, and we can't wait for the adventure that is down the road. Until next time...

Thursday, April 2, 2009

New pics...

Once again our weekend is pretty busy...

Jet gets to meet Grandma Katz and Pops Ray tomorrow night. Saturday is Esperanza's Birthday party which we are very excited for. And Sunday, well I hope we can just relax. Joey took Monday off so we can go tour some day cares and decide where Jet will be going once I go back to work May 21st. :( Sadness!!!

Here are some random pictures I've snapped of Jet with my phone over the past couple days. He goes for his 1 month check up tomorrow. I am so curious to see how much he weighs. He is getting so big and keeps me in shape carrying him up and down the stairs.

Hanging out in my crib...

Another day at the house...

Mommy bought me my own Lazy Boy...

She loves me soooo much!...

I love watching things move, the fan and my gym are my favorites...

Sunday, March 29, 2009

Now YOU can follow Jet on twitter

As if having your very own website before even being born wasn't enough - now Jet's starting to twitter! Be sure to "follow" him, so you can get your daily dose of how many times he burped, when he had a BM, or just to check in and say hello!

***All posts are genuinely from Jet, he's so technologically advanced!

There's very little else that's needed to be said here; you know what Twitter is, and he's doing it, so you should follow. Easy as 1...2...3

Tuesday, March 24, 2009

So what is up with Dad?

You may be wondering, "What is up with Dad?" well, I'm here to give you the 3-week update on what's been going on. A week after Jet's birth, I (unfortunately) had to return to work (winning the lottery is #1 on my list now!) and I've been balancing working a full week, and coming home to help Amber with the baby. Now, don't feel sorry for me, I wouldn't have it any other way, but I'd be lying to you if I told you it was easy.

In a word, it's TIRING -

But I think I'm beyond being tired, I'm sort of on cruise-control, but I have my body to remind me each night of the lack of sleep I'm getting...each night, by the time I have a chance to unwind, my exhaustion starts to kick in, so I work to make sure the night's feedings are prepped, and lend a hand for anything else I can assist with before we all head upstairs and give Jet his "dinner" and off to sleep I go...for about 3 hours (if I'm lucky).

Though I'm lucky enough that Amber doesn't work, she takes care of most of the night feedings, I still wake with her, even for just a few minutes, and overworked and under slept, I usually quickly fall back asleep. The funny thing is, I will almost always wake up at the end of his feeding, and in my mind/memory, it's only been 30-seconds, but here she is, 20 minutes later and changing a poop-package direct from Jet's delivery service.

So yes, I'm tired. My co-workers have noticed my singing, and other random crazy antics. Like Eddie Murphy before me, I'm delirious. Now...about the time...

Sunday, March 22, 2009

Anther weekend gone by...

~ Rori and Jet

~Kara and Jet

Well, another weekend has come and pretty much gone already. Yesterday Jet met his cousins Kara and Rori. They were very cute with him. Jet cant wait till ge gets a bit older so he can play with all his friends!
Awe, the Lakes spending quality time together! :)

Thursday, March 19, 2009

This morning Jets belly button fell off. Yay, finally we can give him a normal bath where he can sit in the water. Saturday Jet gets to meet Kara and Rori and he cant wait, hes been waiting too long already!

His shirt says it all "Mr. Mouthy" LOL

Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Happy St. Pattys Day

Jet wants to wish everyone a Happy St. Pattys Day. Dont drink too much green beer!! Today is Jets 2 week birthday, holy cow where has the time gone. He is growing so fast and already his newborn clothes are getting pretty snug. Today I put him in O-3 months, hes swimming in it but still looks darn cute!!! :)

I lub my swing!!!

Saturday, March 14, 2009

My life as a Mommy...

My mom always said..."you wont understand until you have babies of your own." She is absolutley right. I would do anything for my little baby. Everyone keeps asking me, how does it feel to be a mommy? Wow, words cant explain how good it feels to just sit there and stare at Jet knowing that hes mine and that Joey and I made him. After seeing Jet in pain from his circumcision, I would just cry, and I couldn't even help it-the tears would just flow. Sometimes I think Joey thought I was nuts. He would ask me, do you think your having postpartum depression. I just laughed and said absolutley not. I now realize that if you haven't been through it, then you cant judge. I dont know how there is such thing as depression when having such pride and joy from such a little innocent baby, but who am I to judge.
My life is wonderful and I feel like this little man has changed me so much for the best over the past 10 days that he has been here.
I am so busy right now, it feels like I never have any time. A typical day for me is...
Wake up at 7am, wash bottles and prepare them for the day while Jet snoozes. Let him enjoy his bouncer in the warm bathroom while I shower. If hes fussy, the noise of the running water puts him to sleep. I take about an hour for myself to get ready for the day. Then we head down stairs and feed my hungry man, who then gets a bath and all buttered up (as grandma would say). By this time its around 11ish and I look at the clock wondered where the hell time went. I try to fit in a bite to eat for myself if Jet allows me to. Most of the time hes napping by now. While napping, I catch up on laundry, which is NEVER ending!!! Picking up the house to keep things in line is also on the agenda. Jet is usually up by now ready to eat again. After his belly is full, we run any errands if needed. By they time we get home, its time to start dinner. Dinner is usually ready by the time daddy gets home around 5:45pm. After dinner, Joey and I try to spend some family time together on the couch with Jet. Before we know it, its 10pm which i then start preparing night time bottles while Joey heads to bed. I follow him about an hour later if not at the same time. Jet eats, then sleeps for up to 3 hours after every feeding and diaper changing through out the night. The past 2 nights I have jumped up to look at the clock wondering why he hasn't woke yet. It had been 5 hours!!! I usually wake him up to feed him if he hasn't woke up after these 5 hours just becuase I want him on a strict schedule, and I know the day time wont allow him to last 5 hours in between feeding. So there you go, a typical day in the Lake house but not for long. Who knows how life is going to be when I have to go back to work :( I don't even want to think about that right now. I will keep you updated once that all happens.
Have a good weekend, I know we will!!!

Wednesday, March 11, 2009

On Monday we went to get Jet's first pictures done. He was soooo good and just slept through the whole session. Today is the big day of his circumcision. Pray for us that everything goes well and for a fast healing process!!!